Tuesday, January 18

Spotlight Books

  Since Henry is only three, when I pick out books it really starts with the cover. If the cover catches my attention then I quickly open the book, flip a few pages and in the bag it goes on its way to our home for reading. Most times this strategy works for us, sometimes not. I am always saddened when a book fails miserably with a poor story, especially after the illustrations were very creative and colorful in the first place.
    This book is not one of those books. It has a wonderful story that is based on truth. The author has taken the time to pull you into the story and leave you with many good morals. It reads very good out loud and stirred Henry's imagination enough to ask some really good questions. I just love when a book gets us in to a very serious discussion, it turns a nice read into a teaching lesson and those really are the best kind aren't they?
   Today, I would like to share with you a book I highly recommend for content and illustration, I am in love with it and hope you will be to.

 A link for this book can be found under "book shop"

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