Saturday, October 2

Hello October!

       My dear sweet friend, how I have missed thee. I am all warm and fuzzy with joy for October. Sweaters and scarfs come back to play. The wind howls and leaves clatter by. Baking and apple picking, pumpkin carving and long crunchy walks in the woods. It is the best month of the year in so many ways.
    First of all, its my birthday month. Also my wedding anniversary and lets not forget All Hallows Eve, more importantly though, October is the start of family traditions that I hope will continue for years to come. 
       Cultures in the past celebrated their hard work with drink and food, music and stories. With Henry becoming three in December (three!!!I can't believe it), Joe and I talked about making time to plan out some traditions, settle down and spend time together, exploring nature and native customs. We want to teach Henry about preparing for the winter, respecting difference in various cultures and to learn what is means to be a part of this planet, to celebrate in the magical moments that she shares with us.

A few ideas we have in store this year is bringing nature inside our home.
Our mission:
To find and identify leaves from the trees near by.
Make nature art.
Pick apples and try my hand at making homemade applesauce.
Search for and save some seeds for next years planting.
Pumpkin picking, hayrides and grave rubbings.
Identify stars .

It is so much fun being a "new" family, walking down our own path and creating meaningful traditions that we can look forward too. With winter right around the corner and autumn being such a short time I have every intention to relish in each moment of this wonderful, colorful and perfect season. What do you have planned??

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