Lucky for you, I have not only one great tip to save some jing, today I will give you two tips!!! Are you as excited as I am?
Okay here goes...Halloween just passed and all the candy that is left in the bowl is probably the stuff your not a big fan of right?? my house we got Milky Ways and 3 Musketeers. To be totally honest with you, as this is a blog of integrity and truthful candor, we have all the candy left, because I hid it. Why??
I plan on baking with it. Thing are tough around here and I do not have extra money to spend on things like M&M'S and Hershey chocolate. So I swiped my kids Halloween candy to reuse. I plan on melting the chocolate bars down to either dip pretzels in for our next party or make frosting for cake. M&M's go into cookies and pancakes. Now for the other stuff, sugar cookies topped with crushed peanut butter cups, Kit Kats, Snickers, Milky Ways and the like are a sweet treat that the kids can help with. Smarties, Skittles and Sweet Tarts can be used for your gingerbread houses or you can use them in a fun way to teach your 3 year old to count. You get the point.
Moving on...
It's getting cold out there and I made a promise to myself that I would not touch the thermostat till after January. Our house has been a chilly 63 degrees. The last two days the heat has kicked on, so I know its cold. To top if off, our house is on a concrete slab and extremely drafty including the windows. Every year we add plastic to the windows in the hope to keep things a little warmer and the heating bill a little lower. This year is no exception. Our plan is to up the plastic, we are going with bubble wrap, I read somewhere that bubble wrap works way better than a simple sheet of plastic. I will report later on this theory. In a effort to keep the cold air from getting in, I made "winter curtains".
I upcycled a heavy shower curtain and folded it in half and sewed a hem across the top. Nothing fancy mind you, all I cared for was something warmer on the window than I already had. Now I have a double layer curtain in my bedroom. I also made a curtain for Henry's bedroom using a thermal twin sheet. Again folded over and hemmed on top. Two extra thick curtains for two 3' x 5' windows costing in total $7.99.
I know some of you out there do not sew. Here is a suggestion for you, go to the fabric store, by sticky back Velcro tape or Heat n Bond and iron it to the curtain making a mock hem. Or another option is hand sewing buttons across the curtain leaving about 3 inch from the top for the curtain rod. And if you do not know how to sew a button you can always try safety pins or heck ever duck tape. Remember this is about saving money not about it looking great. So go for it and let me know how ya did. Keep warm!!!
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