Wednesday, September 14

A Eulogy

On September 2, my beloved grandmother passed quietly in her home surrounded with family. For weeks, family and friends came, some to say goodbye, some to share stories and some to hold her hand. I was lucky to have done it all with her.

She was a amazing woman with humbled beginnings, the second oldest of 12 siblings.
She came to America from Portugal with husband and eight children in tow. She did not speak English, she did not know how to write her own name Justina Tiago, she did not read, she did not drive. A widow at 43, she managed to find the courage and perseverance to move ahead. From this little woman grew a family with sixteen grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren and perhaps a few more down the road.

It is inspiring how one little woman could touch so many lives.
It is amazing how that same little woman had a different and special relationship with every single person she knew.
There was so much to her, her spirit was so much larger than the little package that was her.
Knowing her in OUR special unique way was the greatest gift she could of ever given me, for ours was a relationship filled with advice, laughter and love. I will cherish so many memories, thousands of them. i will share them with my son.
I am so very thankful to have had you in my life.
There is and will never be a brighter light than her.
I love you Voa

Here is the Eulogy I read for my beloved.
"I am so thankful to have known Voa for so long.
To have develop a truly loving relationship and bond with her.
She was the roots of our tree, the leaves in our branches
she is the wind that brushes against my face.

She loved each and every one on us in her own special way.
If we took all the memories she shared and pieced them together they would make for a quilt of love
that covers us all. that quilt is her family, her greatest achievement.
I am so thankful to be a part of this family.And when I look at all you I see my Voa and all her love."


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