
Friday, December 16

Penmanship Practice

A good friend of mine gave me this really cute idea for a quick and easy way to get your little one to practice their penmanship. You write a letter and have your child trace your writing. Ingeniously simple.
Well what better way to get them to practice their letters than to write a letter to Mr. Santa Claus!

Henry just really excite and quoted me word for word what he wanted to say in his letter to Santa.

After I wrote it down in pencil, I gave him a marker to trace. He concentrated really hard, took his time and even had to switch markers in middle of writing because he "was not proud of his letters". When Henry was finished, he felt so proud! After addressing the letter to the big man in red, Henry insisted he must lick the envelope. Where was he when I had to lick 40 Christmas cards? (ahem)

 Post office bound with all those Apple n Amos order I have to mail out, Henry, with letter in hand, patiently waited for mama to finish up at the counter. With my camera at the ready, I was able to snap the very first pictures of Henry mailing a letter. I can't wait to add this to his baby book!

All in all a good activity, from the practicing of letters, to discussion of letter writing and what is a sentence all the way to how the mailman brings the mail to the North Pole. This is sure to be the start of a new holiday tradition!


  1. Awww so cute! Another idea that we do here to practice handwritting is I will write something out in a word processer in a simple font, then set it to the lightest gray scale. Then after you print it, then can trace over the letter! Super easy!

  2. That is a really simple idea..I would consider that if I had a printer. Merry Christmas Stephanie!
